Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ferida Pinto became a Choise of Woody Allen

The legendary Woody Allen was impressed with Freida's work in Slumdog Millionaire and decided then and there that he would be casting her in his next. The film, which is as yet untitled, will also star Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin and Sir Anthony Hopkins in all probability.

The film Slumdog Millionaire has been making waves not just in India but even across the seven seas. Along with the film, the two new found stars Dev Patel and Freida Pinto are also riding high on the wave of their debut film's success. Following an almost clean sweep at the recent Oscars, Slumdog Millionaire's actress Freida Pinto is quite literally going places.

Quick on the heels of this recent success, Freida has bagged herself another highly prestigious project. Freida confirmed this on an American show (The Today Show) saying that her next is a film being made by the legendary director Woody Allen. Freida and the rest of the cast of Slumdog Millionaire were on the show talking about the success of their film at the Oscars.

While in Hollywood promoting Slumdog Millionaire, Freida (who has been eyeing to make a mark in Hollywood) has done the smart thing of hiring herself an agent along with whom she has been meeting several producers and studio owners.

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