Saturday, January 16, 2010

Will 3-Idiot become Management Lesson

Super hit movie ‘3 Idiots’ is all set to make a significant debut in several management schools now. Many institutional authorities have decided to make ‘3 Idiots’, the movie, a part of the learning experience for their students.

Though there has been a spate of suicides, attributed to the wrong message passed on through ‘3 Idiots’, teachers feel that the film has great potential in imparting some very valuable lessons on life. The authorities seem to believe that the movie can help one learn about the normal problems one faces in day to day life, and can prove to be motivational for students who feel they are stuck mid-way.

A 12-slide presentation prepared by management trainer Dr Shailesh Thaker from Ahmedabad Management Association, titled `Passion leads to excellence: Management Lessons from 3 Idiots`, is already being circulated among MBA students through a chain of e-mails.

Professor Piyush Shah of NMIMS said,"Todays, many student do an MBA as they want to earn more. The movie has something for everyone to learn from, whether it is parents, children, or professionals".

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