Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Katrina Has to face Bipasha War

Bipasha declares war against kaitrina kaif "They have a lot of experience and have absolute clarity in their mind on what they want to do. They are very spontaneous and we even get together very well in that way, " added Bipasha who was seen in this year's first big hit "Race".

She is also very upset with some media houses spreading stories on her and Deepika Padukone's "animosity". But she admits there is a problem with Katrina unlike Kareena, Deepika and Minissha.

But there is a problem with Katrina Kaif with whom she acted in Race? The buzz was that they didn't talk to each other at all during the film's shooting. Bipasha admits, "Yes there is a problem between Katrina and me. We didn't speak during Race but that never stopped shooting.

If she met Kareena or Katrina at a social event would she be cordial and greet them warmly? "I could walk up to Kareena and do that; but no, I can't do that with Katrina. There is an awkwardness between Katrina and me. We don't talk to each other." Bipasha was here with her co-stars and director Siddharth Anand to promote the film that traces the journey of a young boy from the age of 18 to 30.

In the film, Bipasha plays an aspiring actress who travels to Mumbai from Ranchi to fulfil her dreams but ends up working with Shiamak Davar's dance troupe. The character in the film is just like me. Radhika works and keeps her relationship going simultaneously. The role is very contemporary. She is an effortless dresser. She wears shorts and vests and uses all kinds of funky bags and accessories.

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