Sunday, August 17, 2008

Soha cries for “Mumbai Meri Jaan”

Soha Ali Khan had to cry when she plays a television reporter in Mumbai Meri Jaan , the kinds who ask on-the-face questions to almost anybody without thinking twice. The actress has come up with a spontaneous act in pulling off her journo character.

But there was a scene in the film when she has to breakdown emotionally on the death of her fiancée. Director Nishikant Kamat wanted Soha to give her emotional best but despite her continued efforts, she wasn't able to cry the way the director wanted her too.

The director literally made Soha cry for almost the whole day repeatedly until she finally burst out naturally. This was when the shot was canned and those retakes literally paid off. Watch Mumbai Meri Jaan to see this scene in the film

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